Employee Health and Wellbeing Helping Manage Employee Mental Health – 7th March 2021


Here are a few tips to encourage your employees to help themselves to improve their mental health:

  • Remember to have social time with your colleagues or water cooler moments – Set up a regular virtual coffee
  • Take regular breaks – You need more recovery time at the moment so don’t push yourself
  • Ask for help (e.g., with IT etc) and if you are struggling – A colleague or a friend may be able to help
  • Use video calls – It’s better to see someone than just speak to them as it helps you feel more connected
  • Look at what you can control and focus on that not what you can’t control – Covey’s spheres of influence helps here. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj8dmSgQa1c – NB there are ads at the start
  • Accept what you can’t change – If you are worrying about something ask yourself if you can actually do something about it. If not, try and force it out of your mind
  • Have some ‘me’ time – Do something fun, creative or just plain relaxing


For guidance on helping your employees improve their mental wellbeing contact
